Thursday, January 19, 2012

Yes I'm Frank

I turn twenty in 2 days!!! JUST 2 DAYS!!! Don't worry, I will still be an immature child at heart. For instance, my best friend, Erin, and I talk about pooping constantly. It doesn't make us blush or upset us, it is just fucking hilarious to us. Here is our conversation so far of the day. This is over text of course.

Erin: To poop or not to poop

Claire: POOP! I pooped in the Physics and Atmospheric Sciences Building the other night, I feel smarter already!

Erin: hahahahahaha I think I will go in the Library

Claire: Ooooo you are getting a plethora of good subjects

Erin: I don't wanna goooooo. And I forgot to mention something awkward.

Claire: Honey, I promise that if you don't poop you will regret it later. Then sometime during your next class you will start farting and wish you had pooped. Ok what's the something awkward

Erin: And this might be a long one

Claire: YAY! Wait the poop or the story?

Erin: Guess who is in my human sexuality class?

Claire: Ummm Ethan?

Erin: And yeah you are right about pooping now. Noooooo not Ethan

Claire: UMMMMM John?

Erin: The poop is now complete. And no. Think one of Sarah's old guys

Claire: Ok good. Phew. Ummmmmm Joe?

Erin: Nooooo

Claire: Ummmmm Taylor? Or the Taylor kid from Marcos?

Erin: They didn't date but you are super close. and noooo

Claire: Uhhhhh Brett

Erin: Nope. Oh and some girl in the bathroom who knew I was pooping is in my class!!!

Claire: Shawn? Oh my gosh ahahahahahahaha. Avoid eye contact

Erin: YES!!!!!!!!! (To Shawn) Ewww haha its weird.

Claire: Wait what is weird? Shawn or the girl who knew you were pooping?

Erin: I already have another story for when we talk on the phone again.

Claire: YAY stories!! I don't have any because my life is boring.

Erin: Shawn hahahaha. And this girl is sitting by me in class!!

Claire: Oh dear. This is a dilemma. Quick turn to the girl and stare at her creepy and twitch your eye and then she will never sit by you again!!!

Erin: Hahahahha Claire you weirdo

Claire: Hey it's a full proof plan.

This is what 20 year old college girls talk about, in case you had some fantasy, this should pretty much kill it. I don't claim to be mature. Duh.

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