Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Long Time No Talk.

Long time no talk. Definitely has been a while since I have posted. I am pretty terrible at this blog stuff.

Lately: nothing too new. College still kind of sucks, friends are fine, I still have a boyfriend so that's good. I miss living at home. Mom and dad take you out to movies, take you to dinner, help do laundry and clean your room (just kidding! I still have to do this), and watch mindless tv with you. I miss not having to grocery shop or worry about bills and rent. Being a grown up sucks! Especially when I probably should get a job soon in order to save up for important things like a house, car, retirement, designer handbags and shoes etc.

You know when you have always expected things to work out in your life without you trying so hard, and the moment you realize life doesn't work that way, it instantaneously becomes so fucking hard? I realized this quiet some time ago yet it still has such a sinking effect on me. On a more positive note Christmas and Hanukkah were fucking awesome. Can some rich guy come invest in my education? That would be awesome. When does spring break start? Rambling... see terrible at this blog shit.

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