Friday, August 26, 2011


It's not that I forgot that I had a bog, but that I have not found enough free time to post. Today is the first day I missed a class this whole semester. All due to stupid zoning construction. First 6th street was so backed up I couldn't wait in line till I could turn to get to my parking garage several blocks away. Then I attempted to park and pay in a lot. It did not tell me how much time $00.50 would get me so I assumed it would be an hour (just long enough for me to go to my only class on Friday) as I am walking away I notice my recipt says return at 9:04. Oh fudge. It's already 9:00 (it took me 15 minutes to realize I didn't have enough time) so I walked out of my class to go pay more money and the line was 20 people long. It takes about 2 minutes to pay. So I chose not to pay a ticket and sit until my 9:04 was up.

You'd think the campus would be better equipped. One pay meter for 50 spots?!?! Thankfully the class I missed was Organic Chemistry and it is still all review from Chemistry last year. I'm just so proud that I made it to Friday ti skip a class!!! Not.

If you are my mother and you are reading this. Ummm oops.