Thursday, March 8, 2012

Vegas and Beyond

So this past weekend I was in Vegas for a frisbee tournament called Trouble in Vegas. The seven hour car ride there was actually pretty enjoyable, mostly because the girls I drove with are awesome and I got to drive for a bit. The first night I slept on the floor in order to get a bed the next night because I knew I would be sore from playing all day. I scored the first goal in the first game and went on to score two more on Sunday. I had some pretty awesome deep cuts and some sweet D's.

I watched some senior teams and they were incredible, very drunk, but incredible. They made the game look so fluid and easy, like it was second nature to them. I totally want to get good like that one day. My team is the B team for the UofA women's club team. I plan on doing summer league with my dad and possibly brother and then coming back in the fall and my goal is to get on the A team.

I am pretty much a sponge at this point. Whenever the captains or coaches give me tips I soak it all up. My back hand and forehand are really coming together and I am learning how to throw out-in and in-out on both throws so hopefully I can do some more handling at Sectionals in April.

This week was pretty hellish, but I am glad I get to fly to Cali tonight and spring break is next week. Austin was pretty awesome and planned a two day stay in Sedona during next week to celebrate us dating for 2 years. Damn, that guy is awesome; pretty stoked he planned it all and it all came together nicely. Can't believe we have been dating for two years, it's been awesome and wonderful and tough at times but through it all he has stood by me and been my rock.

Till the next update.

PS: I broke my phone and I am actually kind of in love with not checking it or texting people. It's sort of freeing

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